Friday, May 27, 2011

A week in review...

What a week!
My sister-in-law gave birth to a healthy baby girl Tuesday at 11:59 :)

The mother and baby are both in wonderful health and are now getting settled in at home.
All 5 siblings are very excited about the new addition :)

On top of keeping two of the beautiful new big sisters for a night, hubby and I had a very productive week!

1. I soaked/dried/boiled/redried/aired-out these little guys and can confidently say they no longer wreak of a bar

instead, they are now quite the cute bowl filler :)

2. did not get to hemming yet :/
3. should be receiving updated subscriptions soon!
4. RSVPed and Thanked those who needed to be :)
5. made a cute little cord cover from some left over nautical striped canvas I had {yay!}

6. found a new dry cleaner in Columbia, no need to ruin a suit as I try to be domestic, maybe I'll try to be a hero on our next big stain :P
7. nothing has happened with the window yet... unfortunately... more updates to come next week?
8. my mint is now happily settled in its own planter, nicely next to the rosemary, basil, and cilantro :)

9. We completely filed our FAFSA and registered me for fall classes, so I am all set for Physical Therapy School to start in August!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend! I will be working some and relaxing and exploring Columbia with my Hubby and puppy for the rest of it :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Taking Things One Day at a Time :)

The bride was beautiful.
The wedding was wonderful.
And most importantly, Emily and Nathan are very married :)

* Better picture here ASAP!*

Now, on to my {big} tasks for the week
{potentially taking me through the month and summer to complete}

1. Find out how to get the wine smell out of my collection of wine corks

*I did not drink all of this wine... btw
so I can use them to add some texture to this dresser, by hopefully making the bowl look a little less lonely in our cozy little apartment you can see we are still very much still getting settled {hence the empty picture frame}

So far, I have read soaking them in dish soap and water works well, boiling them also is effective... any feedback?

2. learn how to hem, so all of these cute summer skirts actually get worn!

Thank you ehow! :)

3. transfer magazine and catalog subscriptions to our new address
4. send wedding RSVPs and graduation thank yous
5. make a cord cover for this lamp, so the cord not so icky looking next to the stove

you know, something like this maybe?

as seen here at Pottery Barn
and found a couple tutorials here and here

6. look into getting a very noticeable spot out of a light colored wool suit... eek!

any pointers? dish detergent? laundry detergent?
I REALLY do not want to go wrong with this!

7. turn this amazing old window into a fun wall hanging/picture frame

and hope it turns out as cute as thisidea borrowed from here

here are some other ideas I thought were darling too



7. finally transfer this over-eager little mint plant into its own home so my little basil, cilantro, and rosemary stand a fighting chance!

Now off to take the puppy for a walk! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

All{most} Clear!

After {way too much} ado,
I have heard back on my follow up ultrasound results,


I now have the option to
(1) get the remaining cyst removed
(2) return every 6 months for check up ultra sounds and risk re-infection

I'm leaning towards #1, but we will see, we're getting a second opinion

As of right now, I get to spend a wonderful few days at home with my family {I love ATL!}
in anticipation and celebration of the wedding of my sweet friend Emily and her fiancee Nathan!

I am SO excited for them!

On top of all of that, it is my beautiful mother's birthday today,
I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful and giving mother,
always seeking to serve the Lord above all and loving us unconditionally.

I love you mommy!
And can't wait to see my loving hubby again tomorrow :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mint Julep Cupcakes! :)

It's that time of year!
The Kentucky Derby is right around the corner!

For those of us not attending, I thought this delish cupcake recipe was appropriate (and adorable!) to brighten this wonderful Friday!

I will be graduating college tomorrow morning, so there are no complaints about missing the race here :)

Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Garage Sailing

And I'm off... off the couch and ready to go!
Loving adjusting, organizing, and decorating our little home in Columbia, SC!

We have loved getting settled into our little apartment, just my new hubby, the puppy, and me.
This Saturday, we decided to give garage sales a try, we need a big bookshelf and figured it couldn't hurt to look for little things either.

Epic FAIL!

Before giving up completely and just concluding that garage sales are not for me, in my usual fashion, I decided research could not hurt. Maybe there was some trick or secret that those who L-O-V-E garage sales know, and maybe my good friend Google could help me find the answer?

Thanks to, I will probably give garage/estate/yard sales another chance

The secret is in reading the add. (Duh moment)

Listings with the words "everything must go," "liquidation," "moving," or other "cleaning out" verbage are good signs of worthwhile sales.

One tip I wouldn't have thought of is listings with the words "antiques" or "collectibles" often means either 1. the person knows the value of their items or 2. the seller thinks their items are worth more than they are and are priced accordingly.

All in all, life is simple and we are loving it :)