Thursday, May 16, 2013

Racing Away From Complacency

 I have struggled like crazy lately with mediocrity and 'just getting by.' 
Yes, I want to be excellent in all that I do, but I have hit a lull.
My life has seemingly been beating to the same drum for almost two years now and mediocrity has been the result.

Somehow I still have my meltdown "I'm going to fail" days, but for the most part things are even keel.
I know I will either pass or remediate, but somehow I will move forward to the next semester.
I know when I get home Peyton will be there to give me kisses and I know at the end of everyday DJ will have the greatest hug to give.

I think this even-keel-dom has been the spark of my racing.
I want to try something new, to challenge myself on a new level, and above all I want to push myself to rely on God in a completely new way.

Mediocrity leads to complacency and a complacent person does not think they need the Lord.
The past month has been an amazing stretching experience.
So often people criticize "spreading themselves too thin."
I would argue that those are the moments the Lord does His best work.

This past month we took 2 weekend road trips to Nashville, ran 1 marathon, and both managed to survive our finals weeks with flying colors.
Was there any way we did any of those things of our own strength?
Whose strength was it that spent 4 hours studying the night after running 26.2 miles? Definitely not mine!
Whose strength was it that hit the books after a day of driving and a weekend of (well worth) late nights and fun? Not DJ's!

Not to take things overly deep, but I think training for this marathon was the Lord's way of  telling me not to just shoot for "okay" because He will carry me through even my craziest of dreams.   
Not to fear living out loud. Not to fear failure.

The fear of failure leads to melt downs.  Living in joy unto the Lord may not lead to success in the world, but it will lead to success in the Lord's eyes, which is the only way to find true peace. 

I am doing my best to live as Timothy, so one day I can stand before You and say I have:

You, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:11-12

I love this picture. In the grand scheme of things we are so small and God is SO huge.  I am the little running dot saying "my legs hurt and I'm tired" to which He responds "I got this, give it up"
Image Source

Happy Thursday!

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