Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An Excellent Engagement Story for the Letter "E"

Due to the sparsity of loves that start with the letter "E" and the perfect timing of a dear sweet friend's Engagement, I wanted to share with all of you one of the CUTEST engagement stories I have ever seen or heard about! Let me walk you through it... step by cute cute step! :)

Their evening began with a sweet date...

Afterwards, decided to take a quick kayak tour...

Just paddling away...

Walking around the first sandbar, her poor arms must've been tired, right? ;)

When they hit sandbar number two, they decided to leave the boats and walk a little...

As they enjoy the beautiful sunset, my sweet friend finds...

They sit and enjoy some coffee and dessert. Hubby-to-be is cool and calm... just enjoying the evening...

Meanwhile, my beautiful friend is doing her best to remain as calm as her adorable mister... it wasn't working :P

Well one thing let to another andddd.... da, da, da, da.... :)

I am SO SO happy for her and SO excited for the sweet way he asked!

Isn't that such an awesome Engagement story???? Definitely deserving of the letter "E" :)


  1. Aaaw that is SUCH a cute engagement story!!! aaw!

  2. Absolutely adorable! What great pictures to remember the moment!

  3. That is awesome!!! So sweet!! Great pictures to remember the occasion!! I love the one with the table and chairs in the sunset!!! :)
